
Monday, June 23, 2014

35 weeks

I can't believe that I have made it 35 weeks. This was my first personal goal and my second one is 37 weeks. My weekly ultrasound is tomorrow and I thought it was  the next growth u/s but I found out that it won't be until 36 weeks. I am hoping and praying that I am still pregnant next week to get the estimate and give these little guys time to grow! The nursery is done except for wall hangings and some cubbies for toys and books. I am hoping to hang a couple big newborn pictures to fill the space. The room is really small so we only have room for the two cribs, a dresser and the cubes or cubbies for the toys and books. I really wanted a gliding chair but I will survive without it or we will put one in the living room. My last day of work is this Wednesday and I am really going to miss my co-workers but I am hoping they will visit me and the boys from time to time.

A friend was supposed to give me her swing to borrow but told me this weekend that someone else ended up with it! Um... So I went on a local sales site and found a $190 swing for $80 so I will be getting it tomorrow. I am probably going to get the my breast friend pillow as well so I better check the site again or look on Amazon tonight. I'm running out of time!

I really can't believe they are almost here and as strange as it sounds it still doesn't feel real. Crazy right? I am huge and they move all of the time so it should sink in but it doesn't. I guess I am doubting Thomas and need to see them.

The PSD is still in full force, sleeping is difficult and rolling over is impossible. Oh and walking and sitting is hard too. lol. Heartburn, nose bleeds, swelling... the list gets bigger daily but I am not going to complain and wouldn't trade it for the world.

Thank you for the continued support! The bump picture is in the tab.


  1. Hoping you make it to 37 weeks! Time is flying by.

  2. You are doing awesome!!! Hang in there, not too much longer until you meet them, rooting for you making it to 37 weeks!

  3. Oh how I remember that extreme pain! I was constantly telling my husband "my crotch bones are going to shatter!" Super lady-like, I know! Hang in there- the longer they grow the better. I made it to 38w2d for my scheduled c-section, it was rough at the very end, but healthy happy big babies are so worth it! 35 weeks is a HUGE accomplishment!!!

  4. It is so amazing you have made it this far with the boys. They will be born so strong and healthy! I hope you are super proud of yourself because this is a huge milestone for a twin pregnancy :) Although I can't wait for them to get here.

  5. I am uber impressed with you working this whole time and being this far along with twins. You are amazing mama! They do have the brest friend pillow on amazon by the way. :)

  6. Good luck and congratulations!
    About swings, be careful buying used ones. The gears often start to strip and they don't work as well as they should. I needed to buy a new one for my second...

  7. So glad that you have made it to 35 weeks, that's great!! Now onto 37!

  8. Yay for making it to 35 weeks! I'm super impressed you are still working too! You're my hero at this point! haha. I'm 10w6d with twins myself. I hope and pray I'm able to look as great as you and make it past the 35 week mark!

  9. woohoo! You've done such an amazing job carrying these two boys, my friend!!! XOXO

  10. Yay for 35 weeks!!! Hope the boys stay inside for a couple more weeks!

  11. Woo hoo! Congrats on making it this far. That's awesome.

  12. We'll we know by now that you have made it well past the 36 week mark! You are amazing! Thought I'd let you know that we have managed with our twins without a rocker. There have only been a few times that I wished we had one, otherwise the couch has been just fine. We are limited on space too.
