Monday, December 2, 2013

Symptoms at 6 weeks

I really haven't had much for symptoms except the burping and gas. My boobs have an occasional pain from time to time but it isn't nonstop. I haven't been able to eat a ton because of the ohss but not because of the pregnancy. Last night I had a moment because of this, but my mom and sister were at my house so I talked the them about it. Neither of them got morning sickness and had very few symptoms so maybe I am taking after them I thought...

Fast forward to this morning. I took a shower, blow dried my hair and then I was putting on my makeup. All of a sudden I started to sweat and then I felt like I was going to puke. I got to the toilet and assumed the position... I just kept breathing deeply until the sweat broke and I wasn't going to yack anymore. After I came around and started to feel normal again I thanked the baby for reminding me that they were there!

I had to buy a couple flowy maternity shirts because of my ohss and they came today so that was exciting. I wouldn't have bought anything if it wasn't for my liquid filled belly but I had to. If I wore my normal shirts people would think I was five months pregnant! I have two pairs of yoga pants and one pair of dress pants that fit me at the moment. I'm thankful that I work in a back office and can get away with it but I feel like such a slug. My husband is so adorable.. He called today to let me know that he picked me up a pair of black leggings, a sweater and a shirt "to get me by". It made me giggle because he said that we wouldn't be buying anything for quite a while to make sure things go okay. Man I love him!

I am so ready for the ultrasound on Wednesday morning! I want validation, I want to see our little bean with a little flickering heart. I know that it may be too early but I am still praying. I will update you guys on how things go. Our appointment is at 8:30am central time so you won't have to wait long. Please send out good thoughts and prayers!


  1. I am so excited for Wednesday to get here and for you to see your little one :)

  2. definitely praying!!! super, super hopeful that all will be well and you'll see a little heartbeat soon!

  3. Keeping you in thought- as always! Positive thoughts....

  4. Sending you lots of good thoughts for Wednesday! xo

  5. I can not wait for Wednesday! Praying and sending so many well wishes!

  6. oh man,the ultrasound!!So exciting! Yes,keep us posted!!!

  7. Aww I love this! I am so happy for you! Enjoy every puking feeling minute- and especially the ultrasound :) CONGRATS!

  8. Congrats! I'll be anxiously awaiting your post about your ultrasound!!

  9. I never did get too much in the way of symptoms at first either. I never had sore or tender boobs (until they started to itch a little further down the road). I didn't have a lot of morning sickness, only 4 whole days that I ever got sick and threw up. There were days I didn't feel as good as others, but never anything serious. It's hard not to have those reassurances all the time, but then again, I'm kind of grateful I didn't have it too bad either. So so so so excited for you!
