Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Well, today is 2dp5dt (two days past my five day transfer for non-infertiles reading)
Transfer day ended up being semi comical in the morning. We got up bright and early because I was told by the Embryologist the prior day to be there at 7:15. We sat in the waiting room and then around 7:30 the nurse walked in with a weird look on her face. Hi Mrs. Stork, didn't you get the message about the time change? Nope.. I looked at my phone and sure enough she had left a message telling us that the transfer was at 10:30 now and to be there at 10:15. It was okay because we only live 15 minutes from the RE's clinic.
We came back at 10:15 ready to roll. Mr. Lost had on his Super Man socks, and I had on my wonder woman socks (both with capes of course). I guess they felt as if my OHSS was "mild" enough that we could move forward with the transfer.
Once we got into the procedure room we looked at our list of 18 Embryos and had to let them know one or two and which one(s). We decided to move forward two 5AA blasts. We don't have an issue with multiples and we liked that it increased our chances by 10%. My RE reassured me that I had a good uterus for two. I'll take his word for it. 
The procedure itself was so quick, but so emotional. The thought of actually becoming pregnant overwhelmed me when I saw the catheder on the ultrasound.
I had been suffering from OHSS leading up to the transfer and later that night my stomach bloated up again. I looked like I was very pregnant and was finding it extremely hard to breathe. I got scared to the point of wanting my husband to take me to the Hospital. However I didn't want anything to disturb this transfer so I cried and breathed deeply in the recliner until I finally fell asleep. Yesterday morning it was better when I woke up but as the day went on my skin stretched until it was once again hard to breathe. It wasn't as bad as transfer night so I dealt with it. This morning was the first time in a week that I was able to take a full breath. I am still very swollen but I'm getting better. I am very aware that once a pregnancy is achieved OHSS will get worse and last until week 8 or 10. The only other way for it to go away is to have a period. I'm just planning on being better in 8 weeks. :)
The 1st picture is after I gained 5lbs on bc pills. The 2nd is transfer night
So here is the timeline that I have been staring at and will be staring at until it is time to test. I am going to try to hold out until at least Monday to take a home pregnancy test. I would like to say that I could wait until beta on Tuesday 11/19 but I know me way too well.

I found out yesterday that they were able to freeze 6 embryos..So I'm glad that they are there and ready for us. My husband was sad about the 10 that didn't make it to freeze but I know it happened for a reason. Please send sticky thoughts, baby dust, best wishes and most of all prayers in our direction!!


  1. Bummer about the OHSS but yay for all those embryos! Six to freeze! That's fantastic. And you are PUPO! I am hoping and praying for those little embies to stick around.

  2. Sending baby dust your day! I wish you lots of luck and hope you get a BFP on Monday! :)

  3. Yay you're PUPO! Sending lots of love your way :)

  4. Praying and hoping that those little ones stick! Also that your OHSS calms down that you don't need to go to the hospital.

  5. That is one bloated belly! But congrats on the transfer, those are some great quality embryos and I really hope they stick for you!

  6. I am so sorry about the swelling and OHSS, but awesome on the 2 that transferred and the 6 left to freeze. Looking forward to thst BFP announcement!

  7. Lots of prayers! Congrats on the transfer hope some of the swelling continues to go down for you!

  8. PUPO!!! The OHSS sounds awful, but that is great news about the embryos! Hopeful that you have twins on the way! Hurry BFP!

  9. Glad everything went well with the transfer. Bloating is so uncomfortable. Hope it goes away soon for you!

  10. Praying for you! OHSS is the worst. Hope it gets better in 8 weeks! :-)

  11. So excited for this!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

  12. Hi Girls!

    I'm had ovarian hyperstim right after the retrival. It was bad. I couldn't breath. I had to go to the doc and get IVs. Well 1 week later I was pregnant. I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago at 5 weeks and the doc said he didn't see any fluids and he only saw 1 baby. Today I'm 7 weeks and 1 day pregnant and my belly looks like i'm 4 months. Does anybody have expericned that? I'm concerned. FYI. I only put one embryo.
