Sunday, November 17, 2013


So I really was going to wait until 6dp5dp but Miss T lit the spark and so I had to test on one of my wondo's. Well needless to say, I am glad that she did! BFP!!!!


At first I thought that I may have seen a line, so I snapped a quick picture and started to enhance. After messing with it for about 30 seconds I looked at the test strip again and saw this! My first ever 2nd line! I instantly started shaking and crying. My husband is a lot more level headed than I am and told me he would rather wait for the blood test and not get disappointed. But the rest of the day he had a smile on his face and was super happy. :)

On day 6dp5dt I really wanted to see a dark line on a FRER so I went out and bought one. Well I thought that I did at least. I ended up grabbing the First Response Rapid Results which you are supposed to take the day after a missed period. This test is not sensitive and reads 50 mIU not 25 like the FRER. I didn't see a line and started to freak out (still thinking it is the early test). I left the room came back and there was a line! It measured 50 mIU and I was only 6dp5dt!

6dp5dt Rapid Result, not FRER
So what's a crazy girl to do? Go out and buy a FRER. I went to two separate CVS's and nope, none. Then I went to the grocery store today and found one that came with a digital. It was worth the $18 to see this! The women in my Facebook group think that maybe both embryos stuck!
I have one more of the Rapid Results that I will test with tomorrow morning just to see, and I will be going in for beta on Tuesday.
Thank you all for your prayers, well wishes, and sticky thoughts. I AM PREGNANT! Now I want you to switch your prayers for a great beta and a take home baby (or two).




  1. Wahoo This is GREAT news. Celebrating with you girl! CONGRATS! xoxo

  2. Yea!!! Awesome!! I am so happy to see this post!! So exciting! Congrats!!!! I can't wait to see if you have or two babies either, but just really happy and so excited for you!

  3. Congrats lady! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!

  4. Wonderful news!! Congrats!!! xoxo

  5. Oh my GOSH!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  6. YAY!!! So awesome! Congratulations! Hoping for a solid beta number soon!

    Congrats and loads of sticky dust!

    I look forward to following your pregnancy journey! <3

  8. I just started following you, but I must say, timing and darkness remind me A LOT of my tests with my TWINS! Congrats, I can't wait to hear Tuesdays numbers!

  9. Those are some beautiful sticks!

  10. Whats your fb group?? I love following your journey!!!

    1. I got the invitation because it is a private group for people suffering with infertility. I will be posting everything here as well so you will be able to follow. :)

  11. I just found your blog today and am so excited to see that a positive test is the first thing I read!! Congrats!!

  12. Still jumping for joy! Can't wait until the dr confirms it tomorrow. Praying for a healthy pg and healthy baby or two or three...;)

  13. Congratulations!!! The Stork has found you!!!! WOO HOO!!!

    1. well, it has GPS now maybe. Hopefully the stork doesn't find me until July! :)

  14. Hey!!! That's great! Well, the socks that you will receive will definitely keep your feet warm when you go for your prenatal ultrasounds. :) How about buy a pee stick that says "pregnant"?

  15. Yay! Could just be a really strong beta but I'm betting twins. Congratulations to you and your hubby!

  16. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

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