Monday, November 4, 2013

Retrieval day tomorrow

Well here I am , tomorrow is my egg retrieval. I remember posting that shit got real when we started this process and now it just got more real
I have follicles for sure. There are over 20 in my left ovary and over 20 in my right ovary now. There had been 10 plus on the right but somehow in 3 days another 10 joined in the game. There was a good amount measuring over 18 so I took my trigger shot and antibiotics last night. My E2 is super high of course due to this and is currently sitting at 5,030 as of Sunday. I asked the nurse at my clinic if she thought my fresh cycle would be canceled if I developed OHSS tomorrow after my retrieval and she told me to get off of the Internet. I was instructed to drink a ton of water today and so I am. 
My lining was really good per the RN. She pointed out that I had a great triple line and it was around 10. I think she said that they want it over 8 so I am fluffy and ready for one or two blasts to settle in for the next nine months. (SO ready)
One of my friends at work made this for me and gave it to me this morning. I adore homemade gifts because I know there was so much love and thought put into it. The note on the back said " Some love and sunshine for you this week. :) xoxo. Amazing..

So I am requesting good thoughts and prayers for:

- no OHSS after retrieval
- a lot of healthy mature eggs
- good motile sperm to fertilize the above eggs
- great division of cells every day
- five day transfer which is the plan as of today

I am not going to lie, I am scared of so much right now but I am trying to lift up all that fear to God. I will update you guys as soon as I am back from la la land tomorrow and know how many eggs they got from my super big ovaries. We will check in at 7:15am and they will start at 8am. 

Wish me luck!


  1. Sounds like everything is going picture perfect. Wishing you all the best for tomorrow's retrieval and subsequent fertilization report!

  2. Sounds like everything is great so far!! Thinking of you during this time!!

  3. Sounds like everything is going great! Praying for all of the above and for your heart... I can only imagine how intense your fears are going in to tomorrow! Praying with you for a calm heart and a peaceful mind! Wishing you the best!

  4. You are very much on my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see your retrieval update tomorrow!! *hugs*

  5. Praying for you! Can't wait to hear the reports.

  6. awww, what a sweet gift from your coworker! I will be sending you lots of good vibes, and in the meantime the nurse is right - stay away from Dr. Google! haha

  7. Sending prayers and lots of good luck!

  8. Holy follicles, Batman! Hope everything goes great tomorrow!

  9. Woohoo! Sounds like everything is looking great. Yes keep away from Dr Google. My cycle wasn't cancelled at all and they were pretty much aware I was developing OHSS before my transfer. To be honest I started gettin OHSS before my retrieval it just didn't "activate" until after the hcg trigger shot. I felt nauseous during the stim phase but didn't know why. During one of my ultrasounds before my retrieval they mentioned fluid but didn't care much for it. After my retrieval I drank Gatorade and protein shakes bc a dear friends recommended it to avoid OHSS. When I stopped drinking them it's when my body went cray cray. So drink lots and lots of water to keep your body dehydrated. And rest well, you'll be fine. Best of luck!

  10. Wow, amazing numbers! Good luck tomorrow!!

  11. Praying, praying, praying! Sounds like you are set for a very successful and exciting week!

  12. Sounds like everything is going so well!! Sending lots of positive vibes your way. Best of luck today!! xo

  13. Those are great stats my friend! I can't believe you are already to the retrieval! Your official 2 week wait is starting! I had very high E2 levels the first time to and dealt with mild OHSs. Drink tONS of Gatorade, it will help your body get back some fluide/good stuff it needs. I'm so praying for you and tomorrow! Once the egg retrieval is done, it's down hill from there :) By the way I just saw the image you made for Darren and I! I LOVE IT!! I copied it to put on my blog. Thank you for all your love and prayers.
