Thursday, November 21, 2013

Beta #2

Well, my beta #2 did not double. However my nurse said that it was a good number. If it would have doubled my number would have been 496.

405 was my number

I asked the nurse a few times if she really thought that number was good. She said yes and doubling is just a rough number they go off of. My number is over 60% so that is a good sign. I don't have another beta scheduled but she said if it would make me feel better I could come in on Tuesday to get it checked but she doesn't think it is necessary. I keep going back and forth because our ultrasound isn't until 12/4 and I will be 6 weeks 1 day at that point. I really wish that I didn't know everything that I did in my head. If a fertile person was to get that number and was told to come back in two weeks they wouldn't think anything about it. But I am not that person. I think that I am just going to pray and wait for the u/s. I trust the nurse and feel like she would have told me if they thought it was a problem. I have waited this long... what's another two weeks.

A girl from my support group also made a great point. She said that I could have started out with two implanted and one has decided to slow down or didn't make it. Only time will tell.

So I pray...


  1. I say that to myself all of the time, I have read and know way too much! Keeping you in my prayers. Still sounds like a good number to me :)

  2. FX that it goes up. Still a great number- FX that you can breath easier soon! Hugs-

  3. I say do whatever will keep you sane! For me, I'd be getting a third beta, but I know many many women who would wait! I think your levels sound promising- hold onto HOPE!!!

  4. I sat in a parking lot for over an hour waiting for a walk-in lab to open so I could get a 3rd beta. Then I decided that it wouldn't change what was happening and I had to trust my body was doing what it was supposed to. Waiting until 6 weeks (ish) was definitely the hardest part for me. Try to stay busy and distract yourself as much as possible. But other than that, you're probably just going to go insane waiting... not gonna lie!! lol! : ) Hugs!!

  5. Glad that the nurse is not worried. But I know how it's hard to not worry. I will keep you in my prayers girl.

  6. Praying for you to have peace. I, personally, wouldn't hesitate for a third draw. Sounds like a good number, though. Grow little embies!

  7. If it was me, I would need the third beta in order to function and stay sane... even if I was happy with the number. In fact, I would probably request a third beta even if my number tripled... I just need something to get me through that wait. But I say do what feels good and comfortable to you... if you need the reassurance, there's no shame in that! If betas make you crazy, then feel confident in your number and your nurse's positive outlook! Wishing you the best!

  8. I would trust the nurse. It's hard knowing as much as we do, and I know relaxing is much easier said than done. I guess in the end you just have to follow you gut :)

  9. I am the same way, I need to know having the 3rd would put my mind at ease, PS I just emailed you... dont' fret this is a GREAT Number!!

  10. Focus on the positive, that is a GREAT number! Enjoy it!!!

  11. Praying peace to surround you as you wait and for a healthy pg and baby (babies)! Try not to make yourself crazy over the numbers! Have another helping of pickles and ice cream instead ;)! Love you

  12. Praying and thinking happy healthy thoughts for you and baby!

  13. A fertile person wouldn't even be brought back for a second beta.. I wasn't when I got pregnant with Sarah. Do what makes you feel better though. And congrats again!!

  14. OH my god i totally get it! It would drive me so crazy I would probably beg for a third blood test. Praying for patience for you and a great ultrasound in Dec!

  15. My second beta did not double and it was twins. Even though its hard, I'd wait. Betas really don't tell you much unless they are abnormal and yours is not! Wishing you peace while you wait, that's the hardest part.

  16. I agree that we seem to know too much. Most women just go with a line on a stick until their first ultrasound! But if it would make you feel better to see the number rise, you can always go for another beta.

  17. You made me nervous for a minute there.... All I could see was the first line of your post. Glad the nurse is positive though. I don't think I could wait until my first ultrasound.... I would want to go back for another beta! I am having my first one drawn tomorrow, so here's hoping for another BFP!!!!!!

  18. I say go with what gives you a peace of mind. That number looks great to me. Relax and enjoy it.

  19. I am feeling positive about this too! I think you still have great numbers!!! I hope you enjoy the next two weeks and then just continue to get exciting news when you have your u/s! I admire your patience to wait. I think I would be going as often as I could talk them into sending me ;)

  20. I'm praying with you, girl! And I know SO many people who have healthy little babies right now and whose numbers didn't exactly double :) xoxo

  21. I know quite a few people who's betas didn't quite doubt, but were over the 60% and had a successful pregnancy. Praying for you girl!!

  22. Doubling is supposed to happen in 48 to 72 hours - your doubling time was well within that range. I know it's so hard not to worry, especially since as infertiles we know so much more about what can go wrong. I think it's totally fine to wait for the ultrasound - my clinic made me get 4 betas done and it was a roller coaster that I just didn't need to experience.

  23. At my fertility clinic, they only do one beta test. At 14 days post transfer, they like to see the number over 205. at 12 days post transfer I was at 452 so my nurse told me I didn't have to have a second beta. I was a little scared and almost wanted a second test but in the end, they know what is good and what isn't. Plus, God has complete control over the situation :)

  24. Hope everything is going smoothly!
