Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Stim check

I went in this morning to see if Bravelle and Menopur were doing their job. (Yes we are on a first name basis)

The nurse lead me back to the u/s room to take my blood pressure and temp. We were talking about how close I am getting and it made my stomach tingle just thinking about it. We talked about how bloated I am and how ready I was to be pregnant (shocker). She left to let me strip down to my knee socks and shirt while I waited for the other nurse to come in and check out my ovaries.

 When the other nurse came in I discussed how my left ovary has been kind of painful. Once the dildo cam was in she went to my lining first . I asked how thick it was, and she said it was good. So I politely asked for a number, almost 6.5. Then she went to my right ovary. All I could say was "oh my" and "those have really gotten big". She laughed and said: Oh honey, they are going to get a lot bigger. Initially when they looked at my follicles before medication I lied when I said I could see them. I mean I saw black dots but there are a ton of black dots on the screen. This time though I could see big black circles and knew for sure what I was looking at. Then she scanned to lefty the superstar ovary and giggled again telling me no wonder it is hurting and I saw a bunch of those circles all scrunched up against each other. When I asked how many follicle total she said a lot. I politely asked how many again and she said over 20. I just got a call from the nurse and my E2 is at 328. Crazy how my suppression check on the 23rd E2 was 16!

So far, so good. My next appiontment is on Friday at 8am central time so I would appricate some prayers and good thoughts that all is still going well. Then I go in on Sunday... At that point we will find out if our retreival will be on the 5th or 6th.

I will be 38 on 11/11/2013 which could also be my transfer date. Wouldn't a couple sticky little 5 day blasts be the perfect present? I think yes. I am young at heart so I am also assuming that my eggs are super young at heart too. :) I would also accept them as my Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Valentines present as well.


  1. FX for you!! I'm so excited for this!!

  2. Yay! Great news! Wishing you the best on Friday at your next appointment!

  3. Those numbers are great! Praying for Friday.

  4. Those numbers are looking good. Praying that you get that lovely bday present.

  5. Over 20?!?! Yay!! Thinking of you!

  6. Holy crap, you're almost 38 and you have over 20 eggs growing? You are magic. Come rub my belly. ;)

    1. Well, I have over 20 follicles. Let's hope there are some good eggs in there! Thanks for the smile. I needed one today.

  7. That sounds like a PERFECT present for all those holidays! I am excited for you! It sounds like you are doing amazing :)

  8. I am with Aramis and Aubrey....20 eggs is great! Yay!!

  9. Congrats! Your numbers sound great and you are responding so well! Woohoo! Praying for you.

  10. Wow, great numbers!! I am sending you TONS of good vibes :)

  11. Holy moly tons of eggs!!! That's so awesome!! Can't wait to see the next update. Sending you lots of good egg vibes!

  12. I am so glad you are doing so well! That is awesome on the follies!! Grow, eggies, grow!! Lots of positive thoughts and prayers! I hope you get your amazing bday gift this year with an awesome BFP 2 weeks later.
